To be read
Reading: It's a huge topic for me. I think everyone should take time to read a bit. Obviously, developers aren't an exception.
Reading already demonstrated its capability to stimulate our brain and our imagination. So, it increases de facto our ability to learn and to create thing. This can be even better if the author has a real talent to tell stories or to teach his passion.
The curated bullet list bellow aggregates the books I believe have made me grow as a developer or as a technical expert. I have read them, or at least started to read them.
Of course, this is my own opinion, and you are free to build your own list.
I'm constantly trying to find a new book to read. If you have some good one to share, please share them on our club. I'll surely read them, and maybe some will be listed here.
Coding / Computer Science
- The pragmatic programmer – Andrew Hunt, David Thomas
- Clean code — Robert C. Martin
- Code Complete — Steve McConnell
- The clean coder — Robert C. Martin
- The Algorithm Design Manual — Steven S. Skiena
- Regular Expressions Cookbook – Jay Goyvaerts, Steven Levithan
- Domain-Driven Design — Eric Evans
- Effective Devops — Jennifer Davis, Katherine Daniels
- The software craftman — Sandro Mancuso
- Test Driven Development: By Example — Kent Beck
- Grokking Algorithms – Aditya Y Bhargava
- Docs Like Code – Anne Gentle
- Technically Wrong — Sara Wachter-Boettcher
- Accelerate: The science behind DevOps — Nicole Forsgren Phd, Jez Humble, Gene Kim