How to connect to a distant server using SSH

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Using SSH to connect to its servers seems like a basic thing, but for many, SSH remains an obscure software/protocol. We will clarify all this, and we will take the opportunity to go a bit further.

What is SSH?

Here is the definition given by Wikipedia:

Secure Shell (SSH) is both a computer program and a secure communication protocol. [...] All TCP segments are authenticated and encrypted. It therefore becomes impossible to use a sniffer to see what the user is doing.

Simply put, SSH is a secure “Shell” that allows us to take control of our remote servers.

It also allows you to do a multitude of other things, but we won't see them here.

Installing SSH

To be able to use SSH, you will have to install it on the server machine and on the client machines.

On most Unix machines (including Linux and Mac) SSH is a package installed by default. If however on your machine this is not the case, you can launch a command like:

sudo apt-get install ssh 

Change the package manager and its syntax to that of your distribution.

For those who have a Windows client machine, you can install SSH clients like PuTTY or OpenSSH.


Now that you have installed SSH, you will need to configure it.

By default, all users on the server can initiate a remote connection with SSH. That means we can already use our machine remotely. On the other hand, we wouldn't want some smart guy to be able to log in as root on our server.

To prevent this, we will start by creating a new user on the server.

# Serveur
adduser userName

Answer the questions posed by the utility, and your new user will be created and usable by SSH.

# Serveur
adduser userName sudo

We add our new user to the list of users who have the right to perform certain tasks normally dedicated to the superuser without being one.

Connection using keys

Many attacks using the SSH protocol use the “brute force” method. Because of this, password-based logins are less secure than key pair-based logins.

Let's give our user the ability to login by keys.

# Client
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

This command creates an RSA encryption key of 4096 bytes. ssh-keygen generates a public key and a private key. The private key should never leave your machine and should never be shared with anyone.

# Serveur
mkdir ~/.ssh

The public key we just created must be transferred to the remote server and added to the list of keys authorized to connect with the new user.

# Client
ssh-copy-id -i adresse/de/votre/ user@server

If you do a test now (ssh user@server) SSH should not ask you for a password to initiate the connection.

If you are prompted for a password, it means something went wrong with the steps above. I advise you not to move on without having solved the problem.

If the connection fails for no apparent reason, verify that the key PubkeyAuthentication is indicated as yes in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Small additional security tweaks

Now that our new user is ready, let's prevent root from logging in and change a few things.

# Serveur
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change Port to any numeric value (retain it) above 1024, PermitRootLogin and PasswordAuthentication to no. You should have :

Port 2923
PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication no

Thus, hackers who try to connect to your server on port 22 will fail. They also won't be able to log in directly to root and have all rights too easily.

The last line prevents password authentication. So, no more “brute force” attacks, attempts by clever little guys who think they have found your password. Anyone who wants to connect to your server must have their public key (or one of their keys) saved in your machine.

To sum up:

# Client
ssh -p 2923 # to log in 

ssh # doesn't work
ssh -p 2923 # doesn't work

.ssh/config : simplify your life

Imagine that you have several servers to manage, that for each one you have a different pair of keys, a different user: it is easy to see the mess that can become. A solution exists, the file ~/.ssh/config.

# Client
vim ~/.ssh/config
  IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/privatekey

  IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/privatekey2

Thanks to the IdentityFile key, SSH now knows which private key to use for and hosts.

  IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/privatekey

Host nomPersonnalisable
  IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/privatekey3

Host nomPersonnalisable2
  IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/privatekey2

If you have two accounts on GitHub (or two users on any server) and different key pairs for each account, you can add the HostName key with the domain name value and change Host to a customizable name. Thus, you can have two different SSH configurations for the same server.

Host gitserver
  User userName
  Port 2923
  IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/privatekey2

Two other interesting keys to know are the User and Port keys. Their name couldn't be clearer, and the example speaks for itself.

It's a simple config that allows us to connect to our server by typing:

ssh gitserver

You can compare both versions of the connection command, the last is obviously simpler.

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